List of exhibitions
Solo exhibitions
1967 Reduta, Prague
1970 Gallery Nová síň, Prague (calatogue Eva Petrová)
1971 Divadlo Reduta, Prague
1972 Ateliér SIAL, Jedlová by Liberec
1972 Gallery Arneberg, Oslo
1976 Gallery Sotmann, Amsterdam
1979 Clubfor Education and Science of Bedřich Václavek, Brno
1980 Drawings and prints. Regional Art Gallery in Liberec (calatogue Naďa Řeháková)
1980 Kolarčevov Gallery National Universityof Belgrade, Belgrade
1981 Municipal Cultural Center, Dobříš (with Karel Nepraš, calatogue Marie A. Černá)
1981 Institute of Information Theoryand Automation ČSAV, Prague
1986 Cultural Center Opatov, Prague (calatogue Pavla Pečinková)
1986 Paintings, drawings. Old town Hall Prague, City Gallery Prague (calatogue Vladimír Skrepl)
1987 Kunstmesse Basilej (with Karel Nepraš)
1987 Gallery Walter Storms, Munich
1987 New works. Gallery Na bidýlku, Brno (calatogue Pavla Pečinková)
1989 Cultural Center in Veselí na Moravě (with Karel Nepraš, calatogue Jiří Valoch)
1990 Installations – paintings– drawings. ÚKDŽ, Prague (calatogue Marcela Pánková)
1990 Centre de
Josef Kroutvor)
1990 Cultural Center Opatov, Prague (calatogue Pavla Pečinková)
1990-91 Sopko and Kokolia. Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem
1990 Sopko and Kokolia. East Bohemia Gallery in Pardubice
1991 Sopko and Kokolia. Gallery of Modern Art Karlovy Vary
1991 Studio Na Skořepce, Brno (calatogue Pavla Pečinková)
1991 Art gallery, Žďár nad Sázavou (calatogue Pavla Pečinková)
1991 Nová síň, Prague (calatogue Pavla Pečinková)
1991 Paintings, drawings, prints, obejcts. Sovinec
1991 Gallery Nemec, Ingoldstadt
1992 Graphic Cabinet, RegionalGallery inZlín
1992 Publishing House Paseka, Prague
1992 Club Bohemia, Czech Cultural Center, Bratislava (with Karel Pauzer, calatogue
1993 House of Art, České Budějovice (with Karel Pauzer)
1993 Dům U zlatého prstenu, City Gallery Prague
1993 Gema Gallery, Prague
1993 Fragments. Behémot Gallery, Prague
1993 Výběr z díla. Regional Gallery of Art in Liberec a West Bohemian Gallery in Plzeň (calatogue Naďa Řeháková)
1994 Výběr z díla. Gallery of Fine Arts Ostrava (calatogue Naďa Řeháková)
1994 Gallery Nový Svět, Prague
1995 Paintings and drawings 1965-1995. City library, City Gallery Prague (calatogue Marie Judlová)
1995 Gema Gallery, Prague
1995 Gallery Pecka, Prague
1995 Karel Nepraš – Jiří Sopko. Museum and gallery U templu, Břeclav
1997 Sopko, Nepraš, Steklík. House of Art, Zlín
1997 Toonaangevend Tsjechisch. Galerij Kunstuitleen Dijkstra, Antverpy (with Oldřich Tichý)
1997 Gallery Nový Svět, Prague
1998 Exhibition hall Synagoga, City museum and gallery Hranice
1999 Gema Gallery, Montmartre, Prague (calatogue Jiří Machalický)
1999 Czech center Drážďany (with Karel Nepraš)
2000 Landscapes, Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, Prague (calatogue Dan Merta)
2000 Czech center, Bratislava
2001 Gallery Nový Svět, Prague
2001 Exhibition hall Sokolská 26, Ostrava
2001 Paintings amd drawings. Gallery Česká pojišťovna, Prague
2002 Riding hall, Prague castle, Prague
2002 L´Association Le Pont Neuf, Paris
2003 Salon International d´Arts Plastiques de Valognes
2003 Gallery Langův dům, Frýdek – Místek
2003 Etienne and Van Loon, Den Haag
2003 Association le Pont Neuf, Paris
2003 Technical museum, Ljublanja
2004 Paintings and drawings from 60's – 80's. Gallery Pecka, Prague
2006 Paintings and little paintings. House of Art, Opava
2007 Sopko. Gema Gallery a Gallery Rudolfinum, Prague
2012 Jiří Sopko. Jindřichův Hradec State Castle and Chateau, Jindřichův Hradec
2013 Jiří Sopko: No people, GATE Gallery, Prague
Participation in exhibitions:
1967 New names, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague (catalog by Eva Petrová)
1967 First Prague Drawing Room, SČVU, Mánes, Prague
1967 Výstava mladých, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1968 Výstava mladých, ÚLUV, Prague
1969 Výstava mladých, ÚLUV, Prague
1969 Praemium, Český Krumlov
1970 New figuration, House of Arts, Brno
1970 Exhibition of the Young ´70, Gallery of the Young, Mánes, Prague
1970 Prague Painters and Sculptors, Ljubljana
1972 Portrait, Works by Young Artists, Gallery of the Young, Prague
1973 Portrait by the Young, Mánes, Prague
1974 Selected New Acquisitions, Aleš Southbohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou
1975 České umění 1945-1975, Aleš Southbohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou (catalog by Bořivoj Lauda)
1976 Konfrontation, Private exhibition in Josef Mžyk´s studio, Na Mlynářce, Prague
1977 Young Czech Artists on the Occassion of the 2nd Rally of the Socialistic Youth, Gallery Fronta, Prague
1977 Tichá Šárka, Private exhibition in Magdalena Jetelová´s studio, Prague
1979 10 x 5, Valašské Meziříčí Castle (catalog by Jan Kříž)
1979 Czech Art 1945 – 1975, Aleš Southbohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou
1980 Ten Painters, Luna Exhibition Hall, Plzeň (cancelled, catalog by Marie Mžyková)
1981 Young Meeting ´81, Art Gallery Hodonín (catalog by Petr Nedoma)
1981 Načeradský, Němec, Sopko, Lamr, Municipal Center for Culture in Sokolov (catalog by Alena Potůčková)
1981 Lamr, Načeradský, Sopko, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Prague (catalog by Pavel Štěpánek)
1982 Lamr, Načeradský, Němec, Sopko, Municipal Center for Culture, Dobříš (catalog by Ivan Neumann)
1982 Lamr, Načeradský, Němec, Sopko, Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem (catalog by Alena Potůčková)
1982 Drawings, Sculpures, Prints, Hvězda, Prague (catalog by Marie A. Černá)
1982 Old Town Courtyards, Prague (cancelled)
1983 Space, Architecture, Art, Ostrava, Černá louka (cancelled)
1983 Men and the World, Young Figurative Art, Regional Art Gallery in Liberec (catalog by Naďa Řeháková)
1983 Paintings and Sculptures, Gong OKD, Prague (catalog by Alena Potůčková)
1984 New Drawings, Selected New Acquisitions 1973 – 1983, Letohrádek Ostrov, Ostrov nad Ohří
1984 Czech Drawing of the 20th century, Aleš Southbohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou (catalog by Vlastimil Tetiva)
1987 An Exhibition on the Occassion of Prague Culture Summer, 30 artists, Lidový dům Vysočany, Prague (catalog by Stanislav Diviš, Jiří David, Kurt Gebauer)
1987 Grotesquesness in Czech Art, City Gallery Prague
1988 Boštík, Kolíbal, Malich, Sopko, Titlová, Veselý, ÚMCH Petřiny
1988 New Aquisitions of the National Gallery, National Gallery in Prague
1988 Aquisitions 1985-1988, Old Town Hall, City Gallery Prague
1988 Colored Sculpture, Vojan Gardens, City Gallery Prague
1988 12/15, Koloděje close to Prague
1988 The Ninth Annual Boston Drawing Show, Boston Center for the Arts, USA
1988 Forum 88, Holešovická tržnice, Prague
1988 An Older One – a Younger One, Lidový dům Vysočany, Prague
1988 „8" on the occasion of 60th anniversary of the Exhibition of Contemporary Culture in Czechoslovakia, Brno (catalog by Petr Nedoma)
1988 Humor 88, Regional Gallery Hradec Králové
1989 Groupe-Art, Marseille
1989 Tschechische Malerei heute, Gallery der Stadt, Villa Merkel, Esslingen (catalog by Jana and Jiří Ševčíkovi, Alexander Tolnay)
1989 Contemporary Czech Prints, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1989 Middle Age, U Kamenného zvonu, City Gallery Prague (catalog by Marie Judlová)
1989 Exhibition in Support of the Civic Forum, City Gallery Prague
1989 Middle Age, Regional Art Gallery Zlín
1990 Drawing (12/15), Fronta Gallery, Prague
1990 Inofizziell / Kunst der ČSSR 1968-89, Museum Regensburg, Regensburg an der Donau, House of Arts, Brno
1990 Czech Art in the Velvet Revolution, Nassau County Museum, New York
1990 In Honor of Jindřich Chalupecký, National Gallery in Prague
1990 Tchèques et Slovaques, La Défense and Palais Luxembourg, Paris
1990 Sculpture Symposium, Lemberk
1990 Contemporary Czech Art, Wuppertal (cancelled)
1990 New Group, Municipal Library, City Gallery Prague
1990 Czech Alternative, ÚLUV Exhibition Hall, Prague
1991 Tšekkiläistä nykytaidetta, Helsingin kaupungin taidemuseo, Helsinki
1991 Tšekkiläistä nykytaidetta, Wäinä Aaltosen taidemuseo
1991 Tšekkiläistä nykytaidetta Joensuun taidemuseo
1991 Czech Globe (12/15), National Gallery in Prague
1991 Spirit of Time, Spirit of Place (Contemporary Czech Painting and Sculpture), Travelling exhibition, Great Britain (catalog by Marcela Pánková)
1991 Grey Brick 1978/1991, Klatovy – Klenová Gallery, U Bílého jednorožce Gallery
1991 Tšekkiläistä nykytaidetta, Rovaniemen taidemuseo
1991 Czech Painting and Sculpture of the Second Half of the 20th Century, Aleš Southbohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou (catalog by Vlastimil Tetiva)
1992 Time and Tide – Contemporary Art Exhibition, E.AND.U., Co. Ltd., Tokyo
1992 Situation 92, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1992 Advertisement for the Infinite, National Gallery in Prague
1992-1993 Umělecká beseda 1992, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1993 U Zdymadla (12/15), Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1993 Aquisitions, Selection from 1987 – 1992, Old Town Hall, City Gallery Prague
1993 Stories Without an End, Moravian Gallery Brno
1993 New Figuration, Art Gallery Litoměřice
1994 The Record of Various Factors, Czech Panting of the 2nd Half of the 20th Century, State Galleries Collections, Prague Castle Riding Hall, Prague (catalog by Alena Potůčková, Ivan Neumann)
1994 Umělecká beseda 1994, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1994 Late, but at least, Free Asscosiation 12/15, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1995 Drawing or Painting? Kinský Palace, National Gallery in Prague,
1995 Drawing or Painting? Místodržitelský palác, Moravian Gallery Brno
1995 Between Outburst and Plague, National Gallery in Prague, Prague castle Administration and Heritage Institute Pardubice
1995 Umělecká beseda 1995, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1995 True Paintings, Sympozium on painting with plasticine, Sýpka Gallery, Vlkov close to Brno
1995 2. Art Auction, 195 donators for Bariéry Foundation, Karolinum, Prague
1996 In the 20th Centrury Space, Municipal Library, City Gallery Prague
1996 Umění zastaveného času, Czech Museum of Arts, Prague (catalog edited by Alena Potůčková, Ivan Neumann, Olaf Hanel)
1996 Špét ábr doch (12/15), Niederösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Czech Center, Vienna
1996 Barvy století, Art Gallery Karlovy Vary
1996 Zpřítomnění, Aquisition from 1987 – 1994, Klatovy – Klenová Gallery, Klenová Castle
1997 Umění zastaveného času, Czech Art 1969 – 1985, Moravian Gallery Brno
1997 Umění zastaveného času, Czech Art 1969 – 1985, Art Gallery Cheb
1997 Umělecká beseda 1996, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1997 Výstava výtvarného odboru Umělecké besedy, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague (catalog by Eva Petrová)
1997 Česká groteska, National Gallery in Prague (catalog by Alena Pomajzlová, Dan Merta)
1997 Mezi tradicí a experimentem, Works on Paper and with Paper in Czech Art 1939 – 1989 Trojlodí, Museum of Art Olomouc (catalog by Pavel Zatloukal)
1997 Z nesbírky Marcely Pánkové, Čapeks´ Gallery, Prague
1997 Ouplná lůna, Czech Museum of Art, Husova 19-21, Prague
1997 Umělecká beseda, Gallery Bayer & Bayer, Mostecká, Prague
1997 Umělecká beseda 1997, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1997 Něco s osudem, Art Gallery Karlovy Vary
1997 Na podiv, State Gallery Banská Bystrica
1997 At Home Gallery, Šamorín
1998 Nové tapiserie z Moravské gobelínové manufaktury, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1998 Umělecká beseda 1998, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
1999 New Aquisitions of State Galleries 1990 – 1997, Prague Castle Riding Hall, Prague
1999 Kolorismus, Art Gallery Litoměřice (catalog by Eva Petrová)
1999 6 + 1, Schick Art Gallery, Gema Art, New York (Beránek, Bláha, Ouhel, Načeradský, Vladimír Novák, Sopko, Kraus)
1999 ...a co sbírky, Salon, Kabinet, Olomouc
1999 Umění zrychleného času, Czech Musem of Art, Prague
2000 100+1 uměleckých děl z 20. století, Czech Museum of Art, Prague
2000 Umělecká beseda 1999/2000, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
2000 Výstava pedagogů vysokých uměleckých škol, Sýpka Gallery, Vlkov close to Brno
2000 Současná minulost (Česká postmoderní moderna 1960-2000), Aleš Southbohemian Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou (catalog by Vlastimil Tetiva)
2000 Konec světa?, National Gallery in Prague
2001 Bilance II, Art Gallery Karlovy Vary
2001 Barevná socha, Art Gallery in Litoměřice
2001 ...o lidech...., Czech Museum of Art, Gallery Bayer & Bayer, Prague
2001 Magické číslo tři, Caesar Gallery, Olomouc
2002 Pocta Svatoplukovi Slovenčíkovi, Grafický kabinet
2002 Skupina 42-II, Nový Svět Gallery, Prague
2002 6. Art Auction, 305 donors for Bariéry Foundation, Karolinum, Prague
2004 Art Prague, 3th Contemporary Art Fair
2004 7. Art Auction, 372 donors for Bariéry Foundation, Karolinum, Prague
2006 České poválečné umění, U Betlémské kaple Gallery, Prague
2006 Kalendáře pro Jindru Šreita, House of Arts, Ostrava
2006 Představujeme ateliéry AVU, Art school of prof. Jiří Sopko, students and graduates, Porterův dům, České Budějovice
2006 Art Prague, 5th International Contemporary Art Fair, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
2006 Kacíř & spol., Montáže na ose Brno-Berlín, Dům pánů z Kunštátu, Brno
2007 Svět české grafiky, Bruntál Castle, Bruntál
2007 8th Auction Salon of fine Artists, Bariéry Foundation, Karolinum, Prague
2007 Kacíř & spol., Zlaté město, Jiří Švestka Gallery, Biskupský dvůr, Prague
2007 Nová trpělivost, Mánes Exhibition Hall, Prague
2008 Moravská gobelínová manufaktura/110 let umění gobelínu. Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague
2008 Neovladatelná vášeň pro krásu. Gallery in Court, Veselí nad Moravou
2009 11 + 1, V spektru rozmanitosti. City Gallery Prague, Prague
2009 Transfer. The Brno House of Arts, Brno
2009 O barvě, český kolorismus od Slavíčka po současnost. Moravian Gallery in Brno, Brno
2010 Club 60. Municipal Gallery Špejchar, Chomutov
2010 Fundamenty a sedimenty. City Gallery Prague, Prague
2011 Teacher and Pupil. Gallery of Modern Art Roudnice nad Labem
2011 - 2012
Permanent Exhibition (since 1998) Czech Art 1900 – 1990 from City Gallery Prague collections (20th Century Art), Dům U Zlatého prstenu, Prague